Rahul, a Bachelor of Arts, is an entrepreneur with 19 years of experience in Trading & Production. He started off career at a very young age assisting his dad in establishing a polypropylene bag manufacturing company in 1997. He as the Managing Director established Tharammal Academy in 2003, which is the master franchise for IMA ABACUS, Malaysia. Tharammal Academy is the pioneer in Kerala that moulds children in growing up into individuals with real good communication and presentation skills. A businessman by profession and a trainer by passion, he works for the betterment of communication and presentation skills of children as well as adults who enrol in his training sessions.
As a trainer, he conducts ‘Empowering Youth’ training program in schools, ‘Future’ training programmes in colleges, ‘Empowering Women’ training for the underprivileged women, and also conducts trainings in ‘Rudset’, an Entrepreneurship training Institute. He is certified trainer for ‘Chairmanship and Parliamentary Procedure’ for Junior Chamber International (JCI) in India. He graduated and achieved Outstanding Award in Zone Trainers Workshop 2016 (ZTWS) of JCI India.
He specialises in “Effective Communication”, “Effective Public Speaking” & “Leadership Training programmes” for people of all ages. The implementation of his ideologies and theories has helped him to be successful as the Propreitor of Tharammal Trading Corporation , the Managing Partner of Blue Waves and also the Managing Partner of Penta Plus solution.